Good progress
In 2017 we have published 3 newsletters, one for each research area, which have been shared prior to the industrial workshops. In the annual report we have made a summary of the main scientific results. The table below shows that the centre is in good progress according to the key performance
indicators from the original description of work.
Number of scientific publications is increasing
– Our PhD students are now well settled in their positions and within the centre, and we see that the number of scientific publications is increasing. This is an important delivery for SFI Manufacturing, and the acceptance of scientific papers with referee is an excellent way to measure the originality and quality of the research performed within SFI Manufacturing, says Sverre Gulbrandsen-Dahl.
3 successful workshops
We have had 3 successful industrial workshops in 2017 hosted by Rolls- Royce in Ulsteinvik, Nammo Raufoss in Raufoss and Brødrene Aa in Hyen. – I would like to express my sincere thanks to the hosts for their hospitality and effort to contribute to make this one of the most important arenas for sharing and networking within SFI Manufacturing. Furthermore, I would also like to thank all participants of these workshops for their active participation.
New partner Kongsberg Maritime
Kongsberg Maritime entered SFI Manufacturing in the autumn of 2017. – A partner that has competence in manufacturing of electronics for demanding applications, and a valuable addition to the existing consortium. We are looking forward to further develop SFI Manufacturing with Kongsberg Maritime as an active partner, says Sverre Gulbrandsen-Dahl.
Read the SFI Manufacturing Annual Report 2017 here.
Download the report as PDF-file here.