Tina has been part of Research Area 1 - Multi-Material Products and Processes.
She will hold a trial lecture May 28 at 10:15, and the public defence of the thesis will begin at 13:15. The lecture and defence are open for digital participation at: https://s.ntnu.no/Trial_lecture_Tina_Bergh and https://s.ntnu.no/PhD_defence_Tina_Bergh.
Assessment Committee
- 1st opponent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hauke Springer Leiter des Lehr- und Forschungsgebiets Metallische Verbundwerkstoffe, Institut für Bildsame Formgebung, RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
- 2nd opponent: Eva Mørtsell Research Scientist R&D Extrusion Ingot, Hydro Sunndal.
- 3rd opponent: Professor Knut Marthinsen Department of Materials Science and Engineering NTNU Professor Knut Marthinsen has been appointed Administrator of the Committee.