Tidligere i sommer hadde BIA-prosjektet Sprangforbedringer en heldag hos Hydro hvor seks masterstudenter presenterte oppgavene sine. Her avbildet med Ola Sæter og Hilde Aasheim. Gratulerer med vel overstått og masse lykke til videre! NTNU Gjøvik hosted the 6th CIRP conference on Learning Factories, the 29th and 30th of June. The conference took place at Raufoss Industripark and NTNU Campus Gjøvik. Several members of SFI Manufacturing participated in the conference, both industrial and research partners. Espen Polanscak from GKN Aerospace presented the paper 'Distributed autonomous control in production of jet turbine parts', written in cooperation with SINTEF Raufoss Manufacturing. Espen also created an A3 to sum up the conference. Thank you for your contribution to the SFI blog! A3 summary of the conference. The conference took place in Gjøvik. Photo: Vikenstranda
May 2023