SFI Manufacturing has been in operation for 3,5 years now. During these years, the centre has addressed specific research topics within each of its three research areas: Multi-Material Products and Processes, Robust and Flexible Automation, and Innovative and Sustainable Organisations. In 2018 we have identified the specific results of this research so far and we have started a process of evaluation of their innovation potential.
In the period of 2015 to 2017, a total of 28 scientific results with a potential for innovation has been identified. The work of SFI Manufacturing is focusing on the Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 1-3, but several of the identified results have been developed into, or contributed to, innovation projects on TRL 4-7. SFI Manufacturing has a joint ambition of developing a considerable volume of such innovation projects (budget goal over the centre period is 800 MNOK).
The status in 2018 is:
- 21 innovation projects have been granted and started in 2016-2018
- The total budget of these projects is 592 MNOK
- All partners of SFI Manufacturing are joining at least one of the projects
- 17 extra industrial partners outside the SFI consortium are participating in the projects
This clearly illustrates the importance of the innovation projects as a value chain for innovation based on knowledge developed in SFI Manufacturing, and their potential as an arena for dissemination. In the ongoing process of evaluating the innovation potential of SFI Manufacturing, we are now analysing the plan for value creation within each of these innovation projects.